Author Topic: Got two issues to get off my chest - NPR and Wisconsin Public Servants  (Read 461 times)

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The Libs were quick to legislate and muzzle Conservative radio - or tried to - following the beatings they took on the airwaves during the Clinton Administration and now, again, in this Obamination.  I listened to the complete Live chat mid-day Wednesday on the Diane Reams Show interviewing NPR's Chairman of the Board; listening to him describe how (and providing my own interpretation), after two previous incidents, the female President and CEO Schiller of NPR was called on the carpet in a manner that smacks of forcing her to fall on her own sword in an effort to deflect negative publicity in a time of potential Congressional defunding of NPR, which the Chairman and the Board felt was appropriate as the President wasn't "politically savey enough" to handle another "crisis management" of this magnitude at this pivotal time in the wake of the undercover taping of the Senior Executive Fundraiser, Ron Schiller (unrelated to the CEO).

Now that the shoe is on the other foot and that chicken (Fairness Doctrine) has come home to roost on the liberal's own doorstep (withdraw their Public funding), you should have heard those Libs on Diane's show decrying how "middle of the road, fair and honest" at NPR they are about reporting and keeping their personal opinions/politics to themselves (Not in my lifetime of listening they haven't!).  The only person on the show that was objective was on the phone, a reporter for the agency that leaked the story, whose observational inventory of 20-years in close association with the nearly 100% liberal voice and personnel of NPR offered reasoned opinions that NPR is not even close to middle of the road.

Wisconsin's Public Servants

In general, increasing taxes is an annual "crisis" as each and every Government Department is vying for a raise over its previous year's budget.  Not once have I ever seen a Government Program put in place with the objective to put itself out of business.

It is interesting that increases in taxes, the reverse of a budget shortfall and the elimination of benefits and personnel, is what Government does to Rob from Peter to Pay Paul, each day, every day, hour by hour in incremental motion, although sometimes getting the ire of (for example) the Home Builders and Contractors when the Building Department and Utilities increase their fees for permitting, Plans Review, Inspections, Impact Fees, etc.  We The People are an easy target to "squeeze water from a rock".

Now that shoe is on the other foot, swollen budgets are too engorged to continue, benefits and personnel must go, or the Government goes bankrupt, the Unions and Public Servants come out from under their rock as if it were a forgone conclusion that the dirty end of the stick could never be held by them.  How nice to have such a comfortable attitude and an ever increasing budget on the backs of the Taxpayers.

Go ahead, upset the Unions and the Public Servants, it is their time today for that.  We The People want some of the proverbial pie.  The pendulum is swinging the other way - for a change.  Did they think it would never come to this?  Let the Government Sector feel some of the inequity of its own decisions as the Private Sector has felt for decades.  There is a need for real budget tightening in this downward that didn't get this way overnight and won't be getting fixed overnight either.

Rant over...thanks for viewing.

Offline yellowtail3

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  • Oh father of the four winds, fill my sails!
I like NPR. I can filter out the bias as it is everywhere, one way or another.
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline lakota

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I like NPR. I can filter out the bias as it is everywhere, one way or another.

Just because people like NPR doesnt mean they should be taxpayer funded. I like satellite radio. Should they be funded by the taxpayers? What about Howard Stern? Maybe he should get some gooberment funding.

Wait! I know! Charlie Sheen wanted more money for doing his TV show. LOTS of people like that show but the evil corporate enitity known as CBS didnt want to pay him more. I think it is time for them to send tax dollars to Charlie Sheen so as to his TV show keeps going!

If the gooberment is going to fund one form of entertainment (NPR) then they should fund them all.
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

Offline magooch

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Harry Reid the genious of the Senate has spoken and along with cowboy poetry, it is imperitive that NPR be publicly funded.