I hear ya' Brother! But if you start bashing all barrel makers except SSK I'm sure they'll take their advertising dollars elsewhere. And I'm only replying because I was "called out"
Since you directed this to me Bill, I will respond to it pard, but I won't debate it.
First of all, I never bashed anybodies products in my post above. All I did was try to advert yet another war that has been typical on this forum when strong supporters of one builder clashes with the strong supporters of other builders. I made no comment that one's products was better than anothers. Yes, I have my own opinions on the quality of all of the barrels made for the Contenders and Encores - both factory and custom alike (been shooting Contenders 34 years - you do learn), and the men themselves, their ethics and business sense. My opions are founded on very long personal association with these men (or my choice not to associate with them), some like 20-25 years now, and have a varying degree of inside knowledge of most of their operation's as well. My purchases are based on that knowledge, and the only barrels that reside in my safe come from 3 custom makers. I do have a bunch of SSK's, but another maker's barrels out number those 4 to 1. That's what works for me, and as long as they do, I'll not call one better than the other. I'll also not post the reasons for my opinions - impossible to do without listing all the bad points against those that I choose to never do business with.
Opinions vary about everything in life, and that's as it should be. Stating them on an open forum is fine as long as they are so done in a civil manner AND others respect your right to them and also be civil if they choose to respond to them. Dang, we're all bothers of a sort FCOL.
For the record, I didn't call you out if you were referring to me. Only two names appear in my post, and neither of them was yours. I singled them out for several reasons... Mainly because they were the names in use that started this thread in the first place, but also because one of them is a strong financial supporter of this site, and with that comes a certain degree of required respect on this forum whether you support his products or not. Yes, I did advise my personal take on both of them - but again only to be clear that "bashing" (to use your word) would not be tolerated - by either side. Track records going back many, many years on several boards and e-lists was the nudge that made me include my comments as such. Not just my opinion - fact! TC users as a group are pretty thin skinned. I'm one of them, and yes, I have my faults.
Bottom line, the forum has been running very smoothe and I think has been a real pleasure for most of the users lately - a real nice break from what it was only a sort time ago. Its my intent to keep it that way. We have "house" rules as guests in GB's home, and they will be followed here. If that means some singed feelings?
Sorry so long, and please don't take any of this personal Bill - just used your post to clear what I said and why I said it.
Have a great Christmas friends, and enjoy the forum.