It's long been one of my pet peaves that when LE enters a home, for whatever reason, the media makes a big deal if there are fireams in the home. No matter at all if they are totally legal. They make it seem like the fact they are there makes the home owner automaticly a criminal. Case in point, on an episode of Nancy Grace, she made a big deal that a guy had a semi auto handgun. She stated that only law enforcement and military should be allowed to own one, now get this, because a SEMI-AUTO fired several rounds with one pull of the trigger. She had a retired detective as a guest comentater as well as a policeman, yet only one person tried to correct her explaining that a semi-auto fired one round only per pull of the trigger, and that was a woman attorney. Admit she was mistaken? Nope! She went right on with her rant calling a semi-auto a full auto and insinuating that the guy had to be guilty simply because he owned such a weapon! I wanted to reach through the screen and slap her silly! It was bad enough, her ignorance, but those that could have, and should have, corrected her didn't even try! I feel sorry for tis poor guy and a shame he can't sue. However, if he tried you can bet they'd nail him good on some trumped up charge.
PS, Shootall I'm sure you remember the issue with my shoot through wallet holster. Other than the BATFE refering me to my local Sheriff's Office, which said it was legal as long as I have a CCW Permit, I've still recieved no definite answer from the BATFE. Even though I sent them pictures of the wallet and described my concern in detail. They have not commented at all as to the letter to the manufacturer of the wallet saying it had been reviewed by them and found to be legal. But, should for some reason an agent wanted to go after me you can bet they'd suddenly decide it was definitely illegal!