Anyone use paccos hollow point tool? It makes a lot bigger cavity in the nose of a 22 bullet.
How about cci small game bullet? It was flat nosed. Or do you find regular HP or stingers work good for hunting.
From my old neighbor the hollow point tool was to make more of wad cutter as a bullet and get crisp clean larger holes for target shooters.
As far as hunting with them. I think it would work.
I used to shoot the hyper velocity stuff for hunting when I was younger (wow did I really say that, But I guess that was more than 25 years ago) and found that they really did a number on the tree rats. Later when in College and coul not afford the $1 a box for the stingers but could afford the .50 a box for the target stuff, I found ledd meat loss and they killed just as well.
I now hunt with what ever is handy ( and sighted in) in my 22 rifles. Most often it is the Remington Bulk hollow point for pests and vermin in the yard. But it has about a 3% failure rate of my rifle finding the hoilday spot in the rim where the primer did not make it. I have found that Win is about the same. Have not shot enough Fed to form any data.
But I have shot enough CCI stuff to say "I have never had a primer failure with any of the CCI stuff, From the stingers to the CB longs" and if I were going hunting rather than knocking off pests in the back yard. I would pick a CCI bullet.