Veral Smith said one of his European customers drilled a 400 lb boar through both shoulders with 120 gr LBT bullet over a load of H 110. I believe (this is all iirc) that the stated velocity was 1500 fps. Couple other old wise men think the cartridge is underrated and that those that dismiss it may be demonstrating contempt prior to investigation. Not uncommon in the gun world, me thinks.
Now if Ruger made a SP 101 with real adjustable sights and a 4'' barrel, they would be on to a sane platform-cartridge combination. Or use the medium Blackhawk frame if you lean to SA guns. I have the 4" SP 101 with S&W rear sight in 32 H&R and the Blackhawk in 327 and that thing is huge. Are 2 extra holes for extra capacity or to keep the weight down? They didn't make the 44 specials on that big frame, so why put the 327 in it? No way that it wouldn't work as well or better than the 357 on the medium frame either.
Rant, rant, rant...
Nice pig; way to make meat.
(long winded) Essay Webb