Author Topic: well the test target may be right.  (Read 927 times)

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Offline Lloyd Smale

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well the test target may be right.
« on: March 31, 2011, 03:03:55 AM »
Shot the 300wby vangurad the last two days working up loads. Its not a rifle that shoots everything into an inch like the 700 7mag i was working with at the same time but it definately will shoot with loads it likes. Most loads went into inch and a half to inch and 3/4 which wasnt all that impressive to me. But one load with 180 sierras and one load with 180 ballistic tips went right at an inch and the real surprise was barnes tsx 180 tipped. I shot that bullet with re22 re25 and 7828 and the largeste group was just under 3/4s of an inch with 25 and around a 1/2 inch with 7828 and the real shocker was two 5 shot groups i shot with re22 both were right around a 1/4 inch. Ive never had a sporter weight gun shoot that well with any load. Let alone one with barnes bullets. To be honest ive not had much luck with them. I also shot 180 grand slams, speer hotcores, nosler partitions and hornady interlocks but most of those groups were 1.5 plus. I hate spending so much on bullets but with the 300 i probably wont shoot a ton of them anyway so it will probably get a steady diet of tsxs from here on out. Ill say this about the test target. If they happened to be shooting tsxs at the time its believable but i doubt they were and i have to doubt it there targets are legitimate at least there sure not 100 yard targets.
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Re: well the test target may be right.
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2011, 06:56:17 PM »
Most rifles unless they have really serious issues will shoot at least some loads well. I bought one of the first Model Seven 7-08s that came out back in the early 80s. That rifle never shot anything into much better than 1.5" to 1.75" and by far not everything that good.

In spite of that it never missed on game and never required a second shot with me then our oldest son using it and then my wife took it over. That rifle has hunted several states and killed a lot of game but it didn't shoot worth a crap for groups.

Then a couple years back I shot some Hornady Light Mag ammo in it and that stuff stayed well under an inch for several groups. It's just a matter of finding a load that is compatible. Some rifles are easy to do that and some really try your patience.

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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: well the test target may be right.
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2011, 02:13:57 AM »
what surprised me most bill were the barnes bullets. Ive tried the old ones in about every caliber and if i got 2 inch groups it was surprising. Most went around 3. I heard the newer tsx ones were better so i bought some in .25 26 7mm and .30. I shot all the smaller calibers and to be honest they didnt do a whole lot better then the old ones. Most groups with them were around 2 inch maybe a bit better with some loads but nothing earth shattering. I had about given up on them again and was loading for this wby and remembered i had a box so i figured what the hey. I even kind of chuckled when i loaded the gun with them at the range. To say i was suprised is a real understatement. that gun sure liked them!!
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Re: well the test target may be right.
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2011, 07:18:34 PM »
My Rem 700 LSS .257 Whby Mag loves the Barnes 115 TSX bullets. I have a load for that bullet and the Nosler 120 PT that both shoot honest half inch groups and I've done nothing to the rifle but lower the trigger pull and shoot it.

Like you I've never found a load in any cartridge for the older X Bullets that was remotely accurate enough to hunt with.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: well the test target may be right.
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2011, 02:43:02 AM »
have you shot any game with the tsxs bill. I still am kind of leary about them penciling through and not putting down game quickly. Im a bit old school but still for the most part like cup and core bullets for hunting. they may do a bit more meat damage but put game down right now. It took years for me to even warm up to nos partitions but now there one of my favorite bullets. I just cant get behind these so called new and improved bullets that come out about every week. I just havent had the old cup and core bullets bounce off anything yet and have at hundreds of pds of meat taken with them.
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Re: well the test target may be right.
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2011, 02:56:03 AM »
They are supposed to be very deadly.  I just keep shooting the Core-Lokts because they are cheap.
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Re: well the test target may be right.
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2011, 03:25:11 AM »

I too had never found the Barnes bullets to be as accurate as the other brands.

Over the years I accuracy tested many of the rifles I worked on using a Leupold 24X scope and shot many groups in the .3 tenths to .4 tenths range for three shots at 100 yards.

The smallest group I fired with a sporter rifle was with a .35 Whelen with a Shaw Barrel on a Polish Mauser action in an MPI stock, using a Leupold 4X12 Scope, firing the owners loads it shot a .174 inch group.   This was better than my sleeved Remington 700 with  a Hart Barrel in .222 or 6x47 did for most groups.

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Re: well the test target may be right.
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2011, 02:37:42 PM »
have you shot any game with the tsxs bill. I still am kind of leary about them penciling through and not putting down game quickly

I've not shot game with them yet Lloyd as this is the first load I've found accurate enough to take hunting. Since Barnes has sent me so many samples tho I feel an obligation to try them on game. I carried the .257 Whby. loaded with them all last deer season (well the few times I went at least) and didn't get an chance to put them to the test. The next big game animal I shoot will be with the 115 TSX.

Like you I'm leery but I think from what I've read that was mostly limited to early production original X bullets. I've not heard of or read any reports of TSX failures to expand yet. I'll find out next time I get to shoot something big enough to use the .257 on.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: well the test target may be right.
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2011, 03:50:55 AM »
tell them to send me a bunch of the 180 tipped .30s and ill gladly test the crap out of them on crop damage deer this summer ;)
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Re: well the test target may be right.
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2011, 08:47:44 AM »
The old original X bullet did not shoot well in most guns. I only have 1 rifle that shot them well, but terminal performance was far less than desirable.

But that has ZERO relevance to the TSX bullets, but some can't get past the old bullets & that's cool with me.

There are still some rifles that won't shoot the TSX well, but far fewer. But there are rifles that won't shoot bullets that are normally the most accurate in other rifles, like the Ballistic Tip for example, as Bill stated, rifles have their own personalities.

As far as terminal effect, I used the 115TSX a good deal for Whitetails, Antelope & Mule Deer in my 25-06AI. Each & every time the wound channel was impressive & penetration was complete, even with a Whitetail Buck I shot from "corner to corner" at close range. I cannot speak for extreme range, the animals I shot with this bullet were up very close out to approaching 400Yds, & they did not disappoint.
You may not get the "dramatic effect" on small Deer that the BT type bullets give from time to time, but they work quite well.
I don't use these bullets in the 25 cal. now only because I don't really need them for Deer sized game & I wanted a better long range bullet which doubles for Coyotes.

The Tip will only make long range results better & in your 300Wea, it would do anything that round can do for hunting & a good BC as well.
I personally don't much care about the cost of a bullet in such a rifle as it is not a volume shooter anyway.
JJHack did a good deal of research on the 30-06 with the 165 TTSX and the 30-06, the 180TTSX in a 300 will just be more of those results & potentially further.
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