Ok, here we are getting to the real meat of firearms, and carry for social purposes. You and I carry the gun that you want, and like, because in my opinion, a gun is a gun is a gun...your'e sayin' WHOA!
But listen. All you really ask of your gun is reliablity, as close to 100% as possible. 2. And a way to place rounds on your threat (sights or trained technique) so you can stop that threat, and be safe. I have some time in the saddle, and I have carried everything professionally day in and out from a 6" model 29 loaded all the way up, to a Browning Hi-Power with a silencer. I love them all, but that's really all you ask, the gun you choose is a HANDGUN, capable of only so much. Gun choices from a gun magazine is just trend following, but that's how I discovered a Glock, many moons ago.
You carry it because you dedicate yourself to the system of that particular handgun, and use it to deliver force to stop deadly violence. Where on the attacker's body you place the rounds is what you can expect in results...my target it the eyes, penetration of the round takes out the brain and the spinal column. Instant stop.
I am a police firearms trainer. My state, and I train my guys shoot for the face. if you have a high capacity auto, that you can send 4,5,6,10, rounds into the attacker's CNS...Central Nervous System, or his buddies' faces, and you do it faster, you are going to survive.
Judging a handgun's stopping ability on center mass and PULMONARY targets is silly, who can let down blood pressure fast enough to cause unconsciosness while an attacker keeps coming? Not me. Deer run 100 yards shot through the lungs...so do felons. Some dirtbag can do a lot of damage in 25 seconds...Do it right use the right targets, and choose your handgun, and TRAIN, FELLAS TRAIN!!!
Be able to hit that target, and move or run while shooting...If you expect trouble, use a long gun... maybe not a humble opinion, but mine, Stay safe! :grin: