Author Topic: Scent away spray????  (Read 1621 times)

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Offline uno676

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Scent away spray????
« on: May 08, 2011, 12:11:06 PM »
Has anybody used these sprays? Do they work? I bought some on clearance thought I would give it a try.
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Offline Bugflipper

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Re: Scent away spray????
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2011, 12:49:33 PM »
I have used one of those charcoal suits for about 10 years and have touched deer twice while hunting. Hundreds of times they have came within 20 yards and not been spooked. I ground hunt and drape up some blind material. Or hunt in a pop up blind. My clothes are stored in a 5 gallon bucket sealed up with the charcoal suit. To re-energize just run in the clothes dryer. The carbon suits do trap in your body odor. I wear a hood and gloves as well. Then clothes over top.

As for the sprays yes they will kill scents. But your body continues to produce scent. They are good to reduce odor, but don't eliminate them. All the smells you picked up on the way there will hopefully be reduced with the spray. A cover scent helps as well, something stronger than your odor. I always used to use fox pee on the bottom of my boots.

For a home made scent spray, try 16oz distilled water, 16 oz 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda and 1 oz of liquid soap scent free(hunting soap). You can also simmer greens, pine or cedar leaves, grass or ferns to add the juice in place of the distilled water. Chlorophyll is a natural scent killer. This should neutralize a lot of unnatural scents from your clothes. With the suit I don't wear any scents. I do still spray it on my gun and pop up blind though. My hunting guns are spray painted camo, so I would not advise others to put scent killers on theirs as it may rust them.

Molon labe

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Re: Scent away spray????
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2011, 01:05:05 PM »
I have used a couple of brands but have no proof they work. Since I handgun or crossbow hunt I am always looking for a better solution. I might try the charcoal suit Bug mentioned. But so far scent spray combined with skunk scent has been the best. Some reason the racoon and fox urine are horrible. But the skunk has always worked very well for me. I hunt in Cedar anf even the Cedar scents are not effective. There are also a lot of oaks but the acorn cover scent does not work for me. Skunk scent rules!

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Re: Scent away spray????
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2011, 03:44:07 PM »
I use scent away on my boots but my clothes are stored in a tote with fresh earth scent wafers. Has worked very well for me ;)

Offline shot1

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Re: Scent away spray????
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2011, 02:48:07 PM »
I have tried about everything and have found that red fox pee as a cover sent works best for me. I spray the soles of my boots before I walk into my stand and once in the stand I place a couple of 35mm film bottles with a couple cotton balls sprayed down really well one at the bottom and one in the stand with me. It does stink but it works and does not spook the deer.

Offline Bugflipper

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Re: Scent away spray????
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2011, 08:04:14 PM »
A buddy of mine uses skunk scent. He hunts downwind and sometimes I still smell that joker. He get's a dried out highlighter marker. Soaks the tip in skunk scent. When he gets on stand he'll take the cap off. When he puts the cap back on it is an airtight seal and no smell. We ride back together with no problems. :) Honestly I can't put up with the smell myself but it is effective. He hunts traditional bow most of the time so most of his shots are close and he is pretty successful. He doesn't wear a scent suit. Just the home made scent neutralizer on his clothes and the cover scent.

Molon labe

Offline rockbilly

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Re: Scent away spray????
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2011, 07:43:39 AM »
Several years ago a friend used skunk scent to cover his for bow hunting.  This guy would pick up road kill and store them in a five gallon bucket, when he went hunting he would dump out on the ground near his stand.  I won't say it helped, but he always managed to kill big deer.

Only problem, we never invited him for lunch with us....................... ::) ::)

Offline rockbilly

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Re: Scent away spray????
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2011, 08:57:57 AM »
Check this video out and tell me if it works............... ;) ;)

       oose_Hunting_-_Stand_still_&_don't_shoot_-_Cow_and_Calf1.wmv (6532KB)
