I took my savage 17hmr to the range for the second time yesterday. It is a standard barrel. Shooting at 25 yards First group was (estimating) 3/4inch.
The second and third groups were OK but after that I was getting 4inch groups. My last grouping I was aiming at a bullseye. First shot was an inch low but dead center, the next four shots were exactly the same except with each shot, it moved over to the left an inch from the previous shot. It literally looks like I was trying to shoot a line of holes spaced perfectly apart.
The entire time shooting I would feel the barrel for heat thinking that was the problem. It was warm but in no way even close to being uncomfortable to touch.
Is this a heat problem or should I be checking the scope? I cant imagine 15 shots heating it up so much that it cant even group 1inch at 25 yards. This trip to the range was supposed to be me finishing zeroing it out but now I feel as if I have to start over. On the plus side I did hit a 8 inch target with my tiny LCP .380 at 25 yards a few times