I bought a new .30-30 NEF a while back, and it was hard to open. I bought a 20 ga. barrel from one of the fine folks here and it had no issues at all. It went on like it was made for the frame. I recently traded the .30-30 barrel to Pelican717 for one in .357 which arrived today. It went on nice and tight, but I had a hard time getting the forearm on. Once I did, it was again hard to open.
While I was pondering on this, I noticed that the plastic spacer was scrunched up a bit. "Aha" thinks me, as a little light went off over my head. I took the spacer off and sanded down the back of the forearm a smidge, replaced the spacer and put the forearm back on. This time it went on with no problem and the rifle opens like the other H&Rs and NEFs I have had. However, now the back of the forearm can pivot from side to side just a tad.
Considering that the older shotgun barrel had no issues while the two new rifle barrels did, I wonder if the jig to locate the stud at the factory might not be set back by a few hundredths, causing this extra tightness? Has anyone else noticed this? If so, what have you done about it?
I haven't tried the shotgun barrel since sanding down the forearm. I hope it's not too loose now. If it is, I will add that observation to this post also.