I have used bullets from both the 350 and 405 Lee moulds with pleasure and success. Cast of wheel weights and a 'dash' of tin to aid mould fillout they have worked fine and are as cheap as you can get. Do the math though, those 405 use a pound of smelted WWt metal noticeably faster. If you buy cast bullets dont get .457 dia, they are too small, even .458 may be iffy. IIRC most of the guys that have tried .459-.460 have liked the results.
The principle at work here is this; a jacketed bullet can function pretty well even if a bit undersize, the strong jacket will grip and spin in the rifling and any gas 'blowby' wont cut or deform the base or up the sides as it goes downbore. Not so, lead; you need to fill that groove dia. so use a bullet as large as possible to fit the fully fire-formed case neck, and thus fill up the all important throat too. ANY gas cutting up the side of a lead bullet, and yes, it even happens on hard cast bullets, WILL destroy accuracy.