Author Topic: Needs an expert's opinion  (Read 711 times)

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Needs an expert's opinion
« on: May 04, 2011, 03:44:00 PM »
Have the opportunity to buy a H&R model 926 in like new condition. The gun is in 38 S&W,and appears stout as hell. Need an opnion as to the general shootabilty of these. Since I handload,are these models able to take a little hotter load than the standard factory round. Would I be better keeping it at factory velocities and pressures? Not looking to soup it up the 38 Special specs,just want to warm it up a bit.  Thanks

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Re: Needs an expert's opinion
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2011, 04:50:58 AM »
The limitations on the Model 926 (as well as the Model 925) is the strength of the barrel to frame lock-up. 
MOST factory .38 S&W ammo made today is made to fairly low pressure/velocity levels due to the existence of many thousands of earlier break action/hinged frame revolvers, which can not or should not handle hotter loads.
I have fired some (a limited number of) hand loaded, specialty SD (125 gr JHP at 850 fps from 4" bbl) made by a local, small scale commercial reloader, through a M925 without any apparent ill effects.  Granted this was 25 rounds and not a steady or large number of those rounds. 
IN MY OPINION - those models can handle a round that is a "bit" more powerful than factory loads.  If I had the capability of handloading, I would probably make a few for occasional use - but would mostly stick with factory load levels.  Again, just my opinion - I don't know of any studies done on this category or type of revolver in which a tester ran loads up to destructive levels.
Jim Hauff,  H&R Collector

RIP Jim, passed away on October 12th, 2012

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Re: Needs an expert's opinion
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2011, 05:05:22 AM »
Not an expert, but I agree with Jim's take.  I believe the 926 has a good reputation as a shooter.  While the cartridge dates back to the black powder days, these H&Rs were made in the 1970s.  So, it's a 'modern' revolver - unlike the hoards of 'old' ones (e.g., pre-1900 S&Ws, Iver Johnsons, scads of cheap knockoffs, and suicide specials) dating back to 1877.   

Still, the 926 is not as strong as the solid frame S&W M&P models that were built to handle the 38 special.  But yours should be perfectly fine with factory pressure loads.  IMO, the factory stuff is a a bit underloaded so I would not be afraid to develop something 'a little warmer' - but few will condone it.

Heres an interesting article:

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Re: Needs an expert's opinion
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2011, 05:10:05 PM »
Thanks Gents. I just want to warm it up a bit,not much. The factory stuff is pretty anemic. I'm, in the stage of my life that I am almost anti magnum. If I feel the need to really get it warm I just shoot my many S&W's that can handle hotter loads and rounds.