I agree with parkergunshop on the Savage 340 being very accurate. It was offered in 222 Remington, 225 Winchester, and the 30-30.
I sighted a 222 Remington version in for an older friend many years ago and he let me have it for several years to shoot groundhogs with. If you are a handloader, just don't try and hot rod the 30-30 in the 340 Savage. It's not the strongest lock up system out there.
It does have a weird side mount for the scope but it is centered over the bore. If he has any extra clips for it be sure and get them also as they are not that easy to find anymore. All in all it was a great rifle for the price when new. Kind of like the Remington Model 788
when it was around. No frills, no fancy wood, but like the Savage 340, the Remington 788 shot better than most people believed.