Author Topic: Use of Thermitic Cutting devices in demolitons..Question #12--NIST  (Read 756 times)

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The use of patented and proprietary thermitic focused steeling cutting devices in demolitons, rescues and other applications of massive steel cutting operations.....massive steel members can be cut in as little as 0.4 seconds.   This is a paper presented by Robert Moore, Esq. to the NIST, specifcally in response to Question #12 and NIST's failure to consider or examine thermitc or other demoltion modalities..

NIST has a credibilty problem.....

Thermitic demoliton and focused cutting devices discussed....


Offline kinslayer1965

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Re: Use of Thermitic Cutting devices in demolitons..Question #12--NIST
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2011, 06:26:25 AM »
The first link provided is to a report on the WTC collapse with lots of facts and figures to peruse if you choose. I did take the time and found it interesting. I am sure that it will be scoffed at but alas I do what I can.

The second link is concerning the alledged use of thermite during the collapse of WTC. Again interesting reading if you choose to do so. All of my comments from above are pertinate to this link as well.
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Re: Use of Thermitic Cutting devices in demolitons..Question #12--NIST
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2011, 11:38:51 AM »
I don't know why people keep on trying to prove something that didn't happen.
I guess they either have a burning hate for someone or they are totally insane.
I know what happened and the VAST majority does too.  so I'll quit arguing about it and treat it like what it really is. entertainment..... 
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Offline Lost Farmboy

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Re: Use of Thermitic Cutting devices in demolitons..Question #12--NIST
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2011, 02:58:18 AM »
I don't know why people keep on trying to prove something that didn't happen.
Are you saying building 7 never fell? 
Or are you saying there wasn't a count down 5,4,3,2,1,building 7 falls?
Or are you saying that the BBC reporter never stood in front of building 7 reporting that it fell 20 minutes before it did?
Or are you saying that the clean up of the 3 buildings never stopped 3 weeks after 911 because of the large pools of molten iron were too dangerous for the workers?
Or are you saying that the records from the Enron and WorldCom investigations were not destroyed when building 7 fell?
Or are you saying the Rudolph Giuliani never moved his bunker out of building 7 because he was told it was going to fall down?
Or are you saying that the EPA never told the clean up workers the air was safe to breath?
Or are you saying that thousands of the workers never died of cancer from breathing the air?
Or are you saying there wasn't a military drill going on at the same time about hijacked planes flying into the world trade center?
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Use of Thermitic Cutting devices in demolitons..Question #12--NIST
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2011, 03:52:36 AM »
You've been warned before. You've been directed to the sticky at the top of this forum. You've been asked nicely to follow a simple rule, and you have been asked if you got that, or understand. Quit posting about forum members and making accusations on any personal basis, and just post on the topics at hand...That's what we're going to do best we can can help, or you can be an obstructionist...your choice. If you choose the latter expect to have your posts modified or deleted without your last one....thanx
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