You state:
"places where pipe lines, power lines, old logging roads, old railroad grades, etc pass through the heavy cover or where ridges or fields meet with heavy cover."
All of those are great for cat here as well. Those locations here are just packed with rabbit, rats, birds, etc.
I seldom use cubbies. I like the walk-throughs at the rimrock bottoms and on top of the rimrock a good post, flat, or dirthole. I like the dirtholes and post along those other locations you mention.
And as you say- a cat seldom goes hungry so I concentrate on the old saying about "curiousity killed the cat". When I hang a flag of any kind, it is simply to pull him in and then the combination of flag and curiousity lure works well for me. I won't start on cats until Jan. Here they just aren't fully primed and furred until then. Our cat season extends through Feb. 28 and the Feb. cats are the best.