Hey guys,
I had to restain myself from posting on this subject till now. I kow that Savage incorporated alot of safety devices on their rifle, but the major problem comes from the consumer end. With lawsuits flying around, more then birds in migration, a good company like Savage could be put out of business by someone's stupidity. Suppose some idiot overloads with modern powder and runs a patched round ball, nothing may not happen the first time, but eventually something could let loose. Then every anti and every news reporter will be screaming their BS. You can't stop stupid people from killing themselves, I'll be the first to admit that. Savage makes a great rifle, hell their whole line is real nice. I guess when you look at how this thread started, I don't believe that it had anything to do with the Savage rifle, but whether to BP or modern powder.
I think that there are two main types of folks that shoot muzzleloaders: those that are looking for a longer hunting season and those that like the historical aspect(I'll probably catch all %$$# for that). I fall in the latter group, but I don't look down on those that like inlines. I just find it laughable, that they want to burn modern powder in a muzzleloader. There is no line of reason to explain it. Pb smells, well shoot a PB substitute. PB is harder to clean, that is BS, I can clean my flintlock faster then anyone cleaning a modern bolt action(semiauto-takes even longer). PB isn't as accurate, well I've gotten deer and know many others who have also, If your out to shoot over 200yards, either stalk a little closer or find a different rifle to hunt then. Hell, I've got a 45cal Parker Hale Whitworth that can shoot a 3+" group at 200 yards. What bothers me is that some people want to make PB rifles into something they are not, why not just except them for what they are? BP seasons, on a whole, was meant for those that want to get closer to nature, like bow hunting. PB is not for everyone.
I'm not out to start a flame war over this subject. I just don't want my interest in PB to be ruined be some idiot blowing his face off. I've seen a lot of stupid things done at shooting ranges due to misinformation, thankfully I've never seen anyone get killed....hope it stays that way.
Keep your powder dry