:grin: Hi Lee....guess I was in a hurry and forgot to mention the only reason that a lot of the trails weren't useable is because the deer have moved down into the marsh and are using a lot of the "new tracks" that I made thru the heavy grass cover....that rain and wet snow and ice from a couple weeks ago made it tough traveling in a lot of the other spots and they like my shortcuts.....and I think the canines will too.....just gotta figure a way that they aren't knocking the loops down for me. Will have a few days to ponder it and play around and get ready.
Had figured on a "deadman" anchor thru the ice, if I have enough room under it to turn it or some type of a "disposable". The fox are starting to work the rat houses pretty good already and they are laying some consistent trails that may be easy to set.
Happy Holidays to you and Dawn, talk at ya later....Piner aka Marshin' :wink: