Crazy: I wouldn't shoot that in a Llama 9mm Largo or any other 9mm Largo pistol. The specs on that ammo are for the Winchester 9x23, not the european 9mm Largo (or 9mm Long, Steyr, Bergmann or Bergmann-Bayard). FYI - back in the day when we didn't have much in the way of brain power and we could purchase any of the european 9mm Largo pistols for next to nothing, we would often make the mistake of loading 38 Supers to max and using them in these older european pistol until the pistols broke - most usually it was a extractor that broke and without parts available we would toss the piece and go buy a newer one.
Until the 9x23 Winchester came out, the best of the 9mm Largo pistols was still the 1911 38 Super. jmtcw.