Catfish, The rifle is for rough weather hunting, parkerized finish, on action, barrel, scope base and rings. The rifle is for deer hunting in NC and probably a trip to Canada later. I was satisfied with the .6 tenth inch grouping and did not glas bed it, just wanted to know what other folks had experienced. I did float the barrel as usual. I don't plan on building another rifle using a full length aluminum bedding block, have been trying to retire from my gunsmithing work in addition to my full time job which I left in 2005.
Hooker, I just finished glas bedding a pillar bedded Hogue stock and a Bell and Carson stock for a 30-06 and a .308 Winchester for use as rough weather rifles. IF I was building a varmint rifle I would have glas bedded the full length aluminum block stock just to be sure of the best accuracy possible.