30ish years ago my shooting buddy and I would regularly shoot pop cans at the 100yd. berm, standing Weaver hold. He had a S&W 29, I first a SBH and then the new redhawk. Yeah, 44M but handloads of 240ish gr homecast bullets with about 9gr, Unique; a ballistic equiv. of the 45C load. The cans would often jump, maybe a close hit or down in front a tad, but jump they did and we would chase them. We never papered the groups out there, just went for practical accuracy. When we picked them up they had holes, though one time one had none and we had moved it around a fair bit.
More recently I have shot my Uberti made Millenium 45C at my current 50yd. home range with 9" hanging clangers. I dont see as well, nor shoot handgun enough to be near as good as I once was, but I have hit enough, and checked the hit splash to confidently say most hits are within a 6" circle, but fliers and misses always extend that out.
The 45C is not a 25yd. range only cartridge!, but many shooters are.