Author Topic: Obummer helps Republiclowns destroy America...part 2  (Read 297 times)

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Obummer helps Republiclowns destroy America...part 2
« on: July 18, 2011, 03:31:05 AM »
In response to " Republiclowns help Obummer destroy Ammerica" thread...
Both Obummer et al and republiclowns are destroying dual factions of the TPTB....real progressives and real conservatives are figuring this out.  They are dismantling America,,,even to sell off hard assets...they are using budget, budget ceiling, spending healthcare, as a smoke screen to cover this dismantling and prtect elites....a hard hard rain is gonna fall....basically to find funds and fodder to pay for more wars, and resource wars...Obummer is the best stealth president of the TPTB ever placed in office...
 It's how corrupted Washington always works, notably since the 1980s under both parties. Obama was elected to assure continuity and accomplish by rhetorical duplicity what Republicans on their own can't do.

Notably after capitulating last December on tax cuts for America's super-rich, he proposed deep budget cuts, affecting disease prevention, children's and community healthcare, education, supplemental grants to poor women and children, community block grants for housing, energy efficiency and renewable energy, and other benefits for people most in need.

He's a charlatan, not a leader who cares. Earlier, he proposed hundreds of billions in Medicare cuts. It was step one ahead of incrementally ending entitlements and other social benefits altogether, including publicly funded pensions, returning America to dark age harshness.

Bipartisan duplicity supports it, including slashing healthcare, education, housing, virtually all social benefits incrementally, eliminating them all altogether. Obama and many Democrats tacitly agree. Timing is mostly at issue with an eye to 2012.

In principle, Obama and Speaker Boehner privately agreed to $4 trillion in Social Security, Medicare, and other social spending cuts, backtracking when word leaked prematurely to a more modest $2.4 trillion package, then resurrecting the $4 trillion one.
Full article in link below: