I have said for years we need a Priority system to the budget.
Here in Ca when ever the state over spends the first thing we loose is fire, police, nurses, Teachers, and they threaten to release Prisoners to cut down on the number of guards or they need to raise taxes.
We need laws that the things that government is set up to provide are the priority items and the first things on the chopping block are the senate staff, cars, perks and finally their pay. Then any social engineering programs and on up the list till we have to get rid of Police, Firemen, release prisoners, or what ever the first thing they always bring up. But with a senate staff member making what a police and a teacher make.... I need a teacher and a Cop much more than I need a senate staffer.
With the president the un confirmed Czars the party budget, and the vacations need to be cut be fore another tax dollar is collected.