Author Topic: Rust/Stainless Sidekick  (Read 812 times)

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Rust/Stainless Sidekick
« on: July 21, 2011, 08:34:46 PM »
Just pulled the ML out of storage and noticed that the barrel (exterior) has a a couple rust spots on it about the size of a pen tip (tiny).  This is a stainless model.  Can I use steel wool and oil to stop/remove the rust?  I've never gotten rust on a stainless gun before.

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Re: Rust/Stainless Sidekick
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2011, 04:19:46 AM »
Just pulled the ML out of storage and noticed that the barrel (exterior) has a a couple rust spots on it about the size of a pen tip (tiny).  This is a stainless model.  Can I use steel wool and oil to stop/remove the rust?  I've never gotten rust on a stainless gun before.
Try using a regular pencil eraser (the type on the back of a lead pencil), and rub the rust off, then oil it again.  Honestly, it works!
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Re: Rust/Stainless Sidekick
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2011, 07:37:13 AM »
I would try what OSR suggests first as hitting it with much steel wool will effect the satin part of the satin finish. If you sre not to partial about the satin just lightly steel wool whole bbl. I did that with a .223 bbl once and really liked the finish afterwards but I removed all the satin finish which took some elbow grease. Kurt
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Re: Rust/Stainless Sidekick
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2011, 07:46:33 AM »
I'd try a scotch brite pad, 400 series stainless will rust, it has to have carbon in it for strength, regardless of what people think, stainless still requires care or it will rust, specially with black powder fouling which is extemely corrosive, just not as bad as non-stainless, clean it good and use a good rust preventative and you'll never have a problem.

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