Author Topic: concealed carry vs. seatbelts.  (Read 531 times)

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Offline gs50401

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concealed carry vs. seatbelts.
« on: November 28, 2011, 04:23:08 PM »
People have asked my why I carry or why I try to carry all the time.

My answer is that I do not know when I will need it  so I have to have it on me all the time. I ask them if they wear seat belts. They are a hassle and uncomfortable. Why don't they just wear them when they plan on being in an accident.

It usually results in a quiet stare.

Offline LocnLod

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Re: concealed carry vs. seatbelts.
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2011, 04:36:29 PM »
It's funny that you mention that.  I know 2 people that carry but routinely don't wear seatbelts.  One says that it's uncomfortable and the other says that he doesn't mainly b/c he is required by state law to wear it and that ticks him off.  I asked him if he would stop carrying if he was required by law to be armed all the time and he said no.   I don't get it.

I've never seen personally or known anyone who has used a firearm to save themselves.  But I have witnessed many automobile accidents, known people who have died in them, and been in one myself.  A seatbelt is many times more likely to save your life than a gun is. 

Exercising, watching what you eat, and not talking on the cell phone when driving is also many times more likely to save or extend your life.  But how many carriers do those things?

Offline gs50401

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Re: concealed carry vs. seatbelts.
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2011, 04:03:06 AM »
I do all three of those things. As for the other person, some people are just contrary.


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Re: concealed carry vs. seatbelts.
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2011, 04:14:27 AM »
Carry is a decision to be able ( have the tools) to defend ones self. Seat belts are there for your use . The gun you must acquire if you decide to go armed. The decision to wear seat belts shouldn't be one at all as they work and their use will not take or harm another person. I have heard the same arguments with a fire extinguisher being the object . 
Those who have never considered their own protection their own responsiblity just can't see the concept. The concept of having a gun is the same as seat belts or fire ext. HAVING THEM then its your decision to use any of them . If any are missing then you have no choice.
If ya can see it ya can hit it !