
whats the longest shot on big game you have made with a handi?

0-200 yards

Author Topic: whats the longest shot on big game you have made with a handi?  (Read 2307 times)

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Offline Spanky

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Re: whats the longest shot on big game you have made with a handi?
« Reply #30 on: June 28, 2011, 04:52:09 PM »
My longest on big game with a Handi was a 60 yd. shot on a 4 pt. buck. I shot him with my 223 heavy barrel and a 55 gr. soft point. He went about 20 feet and fell over.
My longest shot at any game with a Handi was about 140 yds. I shot a jake turkey with my 22 Hornet and a 45 gr. soft point. He just flopped around for a second. :)

I practice out to about 300 yds. shooting at steel targets but I have never taken a shot at game that far.


Offline gstewart44

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Re: whats the longest shot on big game you have made with a handi?
« Reply #31 on: June 29, 2011, 05:23:11 AM »
Longest big game with a Handi - right at 200yds on a 140lb sow - she was nosing down the food plot, randomly rooting about.  I was up 35 feet in a sturdy platform stand built into three old tall pines.   I laid down on my pad and rested the Handi on a small sandbag we kept up there for sniping purposes.  I placed the crosshairs just behind the ear for my favored shot on pigs. then she turned quartering toward me slightly.    The .243 barked, the sow squealed and lunged a few yards into the thick underbrush and crumpled. We heard a last sigh from the swine and then silence.   Climbed down and dragged her out .  The 100gr Winchester pill had entered between the neck and shoulder, travelling through the body and ended up under the hide of the Right ham.   Lots of good meat harvested that evening.
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Offline surehuntsalot

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Re: whats the longest shot on big game you have made with a handi?
« Reply #32 on: July 26, 2011, 06:49:11 PM »
longest for me was 160 yds with a 45-70 Handi Rifle using Winchester 300gr HP's
I was on my way to one of my stands on a powerline one afternoon for an evening hunt,when I was about 150-200 yds from my stand an 8 pt. buck come trotting out of the woods,I dropped to one knee and he stopped just before he entered the woods on the other side.I touched her off and he fell,got up and took a couple of steps and fell over dead.

Offline Tencubed

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Re: whats the longest shot on big game you have made with a handi?
« Reply #33 on: July 28, 2011, 04:28:37 PM »
I kind of hate to admit this but I've yet to take any big game with my BC in 45-70.  A VERY good, old and trusted friend borrowed it to take elk hunting.  He came back the next week with a big box of meat and the rifle.  Ask him about the hunt, of course, and he said he had hunted for three days with no luck and seeing only a few legal animals.  Morning of the fourth day he was by the fire about mid morning and saw his animal walking up the road he had his camper parked by.  He picked up the BC and waited.  The two point, western count, be a four point for many here I think, just kept coming.  He waited and waited and the elk walked and walked.  It stopped once and looked at the fire but never right at him.  Finally when it was about ten feet away he dropped it with a brain shot.

Talk about long range!  Not!

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Offline Winter Hawk

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Re: whats the longest shot on big game you have made with a handi?
« Reply #34 on: July 29, 2011, 11:07:09 AM »
80 yards for me, up in the subalpine on Prince of Wales Island.  I was climbing up to Baird Peak from the East side.  I had gotten above the big timber and into the brush and scrub trees.  AS so often in that country it was drizzling and foggy.  I had a nice four point come by in a little draw but he disappeared before I could get the rifle unslung.  The sun started poking through a few minutes later and a doe came by.  I talked to her a bit and she took off running.  Then a spike buck stood up out of the brush, 80 yards uphill.  He was looking back over his shoulder at me, trying to figure out what all the ruckus was.  I didn't want to waste meat with a shot in the backside, but he just stood there while I debated what to do.  I finally put the front sight of my .30-06 Handi on his neck, just below the head and he went down like I had whapped him with a baseball bat.  At this, his brother (or buddy, I didn't ask) stands up right beside where the first one went down, and he is looking back at me.  I had four tags so took the same shot and he also was down for the count. 
It took me several hours to get them boned out, in Ziplock bags and the meat in my backpack for the hike out.  Two hours to get to the car.  By the time I got to the tall timber I was having a hard time with the load so I cached half in some brush.  I made it back okay, then went back the next day to get the rest.
Again, .30-06 with 150 grain Hornady spitzers did the job.
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