I have tried coon prepared several ways, but like the BBQ method best. I use to do it similar to the way described here.
As for possum, the best way I found is to cut a slab of hickory wide and long enough for the carcass to rest on, season it with salt, pepper and lots of hot sauce, place it in the oven a 350 degrees for two hours, take it out, throw the possum away and eat the board.
Growing up we ate a lot of coons and posssums, wild game was the only meat we had. Several years ago I lost a young Pinto mare in a thunder storm, lighten struck the fence and fried her, we pulled her over to a pit and pushed her in, several weeks later we were hunting one night and a friend asked what I had done with the dead horse, I turned my headlight towards the pit and said I put her there, we walked closed and seems like every possum in the county and gathered there and was feasting on the rotten meat…………no more possum for me unless it gets to a purely survival mode.