Author Topic: Field Photos From Africa  (Read 782 times)

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Field Photos From Africa
« on: August 02, 2011, 03:51:59 PM »
I had a roll camera but pictures of pictures look OK.  Read everything so you will know what you are seeing.  Nos 1 and 2 are from 1999, everything else 2000.  The 2000 hunt was unusual in that the ranch was taken over by Zimbabwe "war vets" (comrades) while I was there.  This added some stress but also resulted in experiences most clients never get.  Impact on habitat led PH to decide to do some culling.  I don't remember how many Impala and Kudu I took.  Most vivid memory was wading into an Impala herd and getting three with four shots in about 20 seconds, working the bolt as fast as I could, first time I ever did that kind of hunting.  Some were presented to the comrades in exchange for staying out of the way for my hunt.  I also helped remove many wire snares left by comrade kids and observed an anti-poaching operation from a safe distance.  Poachers returned to find their camp wrecked.  They were not with the comrade group and PH was legally obligated to interfere with their activities.

  No. 1  Jackal looks good but 300 Mag bullet hit the liver, which was not found.  They said he turned into a big red spot.  Stomach was out of the body, still hooked up and stuffed full of baby birds.
  No. 2  Warthog may be my best shot ever.  He was running broadside to us flat out at maybe even 100 yards, took out top of heart.
  No3 3  Duiker, I think my first 2000 animal, a rather chilly morning.  I didn't sleep in a tent this time, but in PH's bed while he was on a cot on the front porch, with a shotgun.
  No. 4  In the main comrade camp, PH negotiates for my hunt.  Everyone is turned around because boss man, local ZANU party rep, is talking.  He brought the white PU every day with sacks of corn meal, comrade's only source of food.  I think guy in baseball hat is another party man.
  No. 5  PH shot this huge old Eland who was tearing up his garden every night.  PH is a pretty big guy, so you can get an idea of the size of these animals.  I do not want to identify PH or his trackers.  He still has legal claim to the land and anything could happen so I don't want to call any attention.  Probably over-reaction but that's how I feel about it.
  No. 6  My Buffalo, a perfect hunt on an absolutely gorgeous day, ruined by the unfolding tragedy.  PH owned the conservancy, basically his whole life's work.  It is scrubland, rated as poor for agriculture, but this is where they settle these destitute people.  Meanwhile, choice estates in prime farm country, abandoned for decades, are parceled out to Mugabe's cronies, who use them for vacation homes or just investments.  There were about 100 people on the land at this point, now I understand it is thousands, expected to support themselves.

I will post another 6 picture soon.

Hmmm. Can only load one picture at a time, only with shortcut.  I'm going to do the other 5 with new posts, check back to read.