Finally, after many tribulations (see thread:
Ordered my 45-70 from Mid West Hunters Outlet and what a dissapointment!), I was able to take my 45-70 Handi to the range.
Before going, I installed a Mercury Recoil suppressor and a LimbSaver butt pad on it. I'm happy to report that this way, the apparent recoil feels alot much less than the one I get from my 30-06 mauser sporter. And by the way, the Handi now balances very well, with the CG just ahead of the trigger guard.
The range here in town is the Sheriff's facility, which they only open once a month to the public, but it is nice and close to my home. They have a 50 yrds range and also a variable length range (100, 200 and 300 yrds.). This past weekend, when I went, it was set up for 100 yrds.
I shot it with the standard open sight and the ammo was the 300 gr by Remington.
Dealing with the sight was difficult, specially the lateral adjustment. The up and down adjustment is very nice.
Finally, once I had it sighted in (more or less) I was able to make groups of about 2 1/8" to 2 1/2". Not bad for iron sights at 100 yrds. Most of the difficulties I found shooting with the open sight, was the heat of the barrel rising up and distorting the view of the front sight and the target.
Next step, will be to develop the perfect loads for it. To do that, I already installed a scope and started the process of reloading. Got some Trail Boss powder and gas checked 300 gr Montana Bullets sized to .458". Next weekend if the stars line up correctly, I will be going to another range to test the loads.