The EPA is going like gang busters now, imagion what they would have been like if Al had gotten elected President.
Tipper did not leave him because he had an affair, she probably applauded that he finally had the stones to go out and do something on his own. Tipper left him because he had made so much of this Global Warming issue, and he was rapidly becoming the laughing stock of the world. Tipper did not want to be laughed at as well, for standing by him when he has shown he is a fool. The Scientist he had put so much faith in are rapidly being shown to be liers, and people that manipulate their test results to show what they want them to show.
Just last week another one of the top scientist that started the whole Global Warming Issue, the one that claimed all the Poler Bears were drowning. His claim was that due to the ice melting, and the Bears had to swim farther. The distance was too far and all the Poler Bears would be extinct within a few decades due to drowning. This scientist is now being investigated over ethics issues. It seems he manipulated his test results, to show what he wanted them to show, instead of the truth.