I saw the thread title and thought "Oh, great! Another ignorant, anti-California rant by an uninformed dealer."
What a pleasant surprise when I read a well written, well reasoned plea for dealers to take five minutes and educate themselves on the reality rather than the myth.
It has always been a puzzlement to me how some will loudly proclaim that they support the RKBA, and then in the same breath say that they won't ship to CA to teach us a lesson. Say what? I can understand someone like Barrett not selling to the State as a protest, but geez louise! give the rest of us a break.
Or the people who advocate that we just cut and run, move out of CA. Well guess what? Some of us can't. And CA is one of the testing grounds for the anti-civil rights lobby. What gets made law in CA will eventually be attempted at the federal level. Or may come to a state near you. Some of us need to stay in the trenches and do what we can.
Rather than the constant stream of bad jokes and bile aimed at CA, people might think about actually giving us some moral support. Bad enough we have to put up with the lies and vitriol from the anti-gun crowed, we shouldn't have to take friendly fire from people who claim to support the 2nd.