I've wanted a swivel gun for sometime now. I really like some of Cannon mikes offerings, such as the English Swivel Gun, 1.25" diameter barrel, 18.5inches, and the Spanish swivel, 1.25" diameter, 18.5 inch variety.
There are a few things I'd like to discuss/learn before actually buying one.
First, what size powder charge would be reccommended for a swivel gun such as these.
Next, if I wanted to use a "buckshot" type load, what would be the suggestions in terms of round ball size, and number.
Just how much oomph are behind these babies... I had read on a forum somewhere that someone with a swivel gun fired a C battery size projectile and it went through a tree?? I'm guessing he was using a large round ball of some type, but details are sketchy.
Next, I dont know what you would call it in cannon terminology, but I'd like to have something with a pull string, hammer type arrangement...preferably using musket caps and a musket nipple for example, instead of fuse. . I wouldnt think this would be all that out of the ordinary? Would it be hard to have cannon mike or some other manufacturer customize the swivel gun so I could use musket caps?
Next, the swivel feature itself. Id like to be able to swivel the gun, side to side anyway...
thoughts and suggestions for a novice swivel gun enthusiast are welcome.