I always have trouble believing this kind of survey. Be like asking a question on the Chris Mathews show, does Obama send a tingle up your leg? You know with his audience, 75 to 80 percent are going to say yes. Like asking a question on the Fox news program. Ya know your going to get a biased opinion. What, maybe 70 to 80% of the population doesn't even know who the speaker of the house is, and how many think that bailout money came from Obama's ''stash'' supply. I had a friend of mine just the other day, say he was worried about how the tea party was trying to undo the constitution. I started to tell him that the tea party was the organization that was pushing to get the govt. back to obeying the constitution, but, bit my tongue, as I remembered he is a good union man, and I'ld be wasting my breath. gypsyman