Author Topic: Conceal Carry While Hunting  (Read 1341 times)

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Offline Spirithawk

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Conceal Carry While Hunting
« on: October 17, 2011, 08:47:25 AM »
This could be posted in any one of three places but I figured here's as good as any. If I'm mistaken feel free to move it.
Previously, here in Missouri, it was unlawful to be in possesion of a firearm while Archery hunting. They've changed that. If you have a Conceal Carry Permit it's now legal to carry concealed while Archery Hunting.

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Re: Conceal Carry While Hunting
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2011, 09:20:58 AM »
they just changed it here in tennessee to where you can carry while bow hunting but like i didnt anyway we have bears cats and other unknown things spotted yearly 


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Re: Conceal Carry While Hunting
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2011, 11:29:26 AM »
Same in Va.
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Re: Conceal Carry While Hunting
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2011, 12:06:41 PM »
I've been waiting on the same here in Louisiana but it dont look like it will happen any time soon.

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Re: Conceal Carry While Hunting
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2011, 12:22:42 PM »
True in Ga. except on Corp of Engineer lands.  Regs state that handgun is only to protect oneself against human predators, and cannot be used on animals......
Molon Labe, (King Leonidas of the Spartan Army)

Offline Spirithawk

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Re: Conceal Carry While Hunting
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2011, 01:56:46 PM »
True in Ga. except on Corp of Engineer lands.  Regs state that handgun is only to protect oneself against human predators, and cannot be used on animals......

Yep, same here which is really only logical. After all you are bow hunting. :) It's nice that you're now covered since, like I'm sure many of you, my son and I go into areas where there are bear and cougars. However, hunting public land, the most dangerous critter out there walks on two legs. My son and I once came upon a guy berating a man in a wheel chair for hunting with a crossbow. He was threatoning to beat the man and take his bow and chair and leave him helpless in the woods. My son and I quickly put a stop to that, without the need of a firearm, but it goes to show the idiot low life's that walk among us. However while sleeping on a gravel bar, during a float trip, a firearm did come into play. My brother-in-law and I were just dozing off when a boat pulled up quietly. A man got out and started rumaging through our gear. The sound of a 12 ga being pumped sent him down river mighty fast. Another time, while walking a creek fishing, my son and his friend came upon some guys with guns who warned them away from the area and not too politely either. They'd either gotten too close to a pot crop or a Meth lab and could have easily just came up missing dropped down one of the many abandoned wells in the area! I'm disabled with severe heart and lung issues and, though I've practiced martial arts most of my life, I'm too old and in poor health to get in fights.
 My main point though is that many look at the outdoors as a peaceful and safe place to be. It very well can be, but it can also be as dangerous as any dark alley, in a bad neighborhood, of a crime ridden city if you traspe around unprepared and unaware.
 Evidrine, I hope your state realises that if a person is responsible enough to carry in the first place then they should be considered responsible enough to carry while pursuing a sport where the need for a firearm could easily, and often does, happen. You and your friends might try pushing that point by writing your state's congressman and pointing that fact out to them.

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Re: Conceal Carry While Hunting
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2011, 03:10:21 PM »
Here in New York it is not legal to carry during archery. I know it is probably because somebody would eventually shoot a deer with a handgun illegally, but let that guy pay the consequnces. I dont carry during the archery season due to the laws, but how does that affect my being able to defend myself? Gun laws dont make sense in this state or many others!

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Re: Conceal Carry While Hunting
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2011, 05:04:44 PM »
Concealed carry is about personal protection.  Has nothing to do with hunting.  There are plenty of times when hunting that I don't have my "hunting weapon" in hand for protection. 

Too bad the law makers can't see the difference.  To be honest, the bow hunters I know are all about the challenge of archery hunting and wouldn't even think about shooting a game animal with a hand gun during an archery season.  I suspect most bow hunters have no desire to fill their archery tag with their concealed carry weapon.

No need to restrict carry in the woods, hunting season or not.


Offline Spirithawk

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Re: Conceal Carry While Hunting
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2011, 05:24:46 PM »
Concealed carry is about personal protection.  Has nothing to do with hunting.  There are plenty of times when hunting that I don't have my "hunting weapon" in hand for protection. 

Too bad the law makers can't see the difference.  To be honest, the bow hunters I know are all about the challenge of archery hunting and wouldn't even think about shooting a game animal with a hand gun during an archery season.  I suspect most bow hunters have no desire to fill their archery tag with their concealed carry weapon.

No need to restrict carry in the woods, hunting season or not.


I couldn't agree more. The satisfaction of getting a deer, or turkey, with a bow is what archery hunting is all about. I think we can all relate to not always having our hunting weapon in hand.  As an example, often when scoring a deer, my son and I will go back to camp and get the ATV to get the deer out. We usualy leave our bows there when we do. We don't carry our bows when scouting either nor when putting up stands or checking trail cameras. Another handy use of a firearm is for signaling should you get lost or injured. I wouldn't dream of going into the woods without one and it's a much nicer feeling when you know you can do so legally.

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Re: Conceal Carry While Hunting
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2011, 06:57:24 PM »
Still can't do it legally here in Bama. Doesn't matter to me anymore since I don't bow hunt any longer but when I did I always had a .357 Magnum on me.

Correction: Just found out that this year folks can carry while bow hunting in Bama. I'd not bet that applies to the WMAs but I've not really looked into it since I no longer bow hunt.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Re: Conceal Carry While Hunting
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2011, 06:05:46 AM »
I look at a firearm as a tool, it's job to protect, and you never know when you might need to use it. The main reason a person carries is to protect themselve's from "bad" people and anywhere people can be found, including in the woods, "bad" people are found. I don't carry to just feel safe now and then and it is iritating as heck when a law limits your right to protect yourself in areas that protection could well be needed. Particularly as in the woods where other protection, such as law enforcement, is usualy far away and long in coming. An example.....Once while archery deer hunting I ran across a 10 by 15 foot shack built from Pine limbs as the frame and covered in sheets of heavy clear plastic. This was deep in a Pine thicket far from anywhere. I knew what it was the instant I saw it. Walking a wide circle around it I found the harvested growing patches. The shack was for drying the harvested Marijuana. I couldn't get away from there fast enough and felt like eyes were watching me the whole time. I reported finding it but that was a very dangerous situation till I was safely out of the woods. Missouri has a long running battle with pot growers and Meth labs. Both mean big money to the operaters and you stumble across them like that they'll kill you in a heart beat to protect their investment. In this economy that is more and more likely to happen any where there's woods for them to hide and operate in. Trust me, you only have to find yourself in that kind of situation once to give yourself a harsh wake up call. I've had friends tell me they'd be afraid to go into the woods for such reasons. I'll be danged though if trash like that will keep me from enjoying the woods and cowering at home. But I don't go in blindly stumbling around nor unarmed either!

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Re: Conceal Carry While Hunting
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2011, 08:25:30 AM »
We got the okay here in WA a few years ago for archery and muzzle loading. Got bear on my property from time to time so I EDC anyway.
Protection? against predators both four and two legged. I'd rather deal with bear than tweekers or hunters who delight in being rectal orifices  >:( .  Alot of folks out there who didn't learn the golden rule.


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Re: Conceal Carry While Hunting
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2011, 09:16:18 AM »
When the law changes critters don't know who is toting and they have more respect for bow hunters even the ones not toting  ;)  and so far there have been no mass murder of offensive critters . Do some states not allow CC handguns in baited areas ?  ;D
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Re: Conceal Carry While Hunting
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2011, 05:34:35 AM »
Bait and dogs are not allowed in WA. Unless you are a state cert'd "problem or control hunter"

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Re: Conceal Carry While Hunting
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2011, 08:02:15 AM »
When Colorado first passed it's CC ordinance the DOW announced that they would not honor it. The state legislature demanded "oh yes you will". So the DOW childishly retorted with "OK then we will just allow anyone, licensed or not, to carry concealed while engaging in any outdoor activity." So that's how it stands here, even out of state hunters can carry concealed without a permit so far as the DOW is concerned. Now if you should happen to run into a county Mountie he may take an entirely different attitude.
The story of David & Goliath only demonstrates the superiority of ballistic projectiles over hand weapons, poor old Goliath never had a chance.