I bought an A7 a couple years ago chambered in 300wsm, the recoil is a little more than I bargand for. It is a very light rifle compared to what I am use to. I havent begun reloading for it yet but I may work up to a middle of the chart load that shoots decent to also help dampen the recoil a bit, I dont mind losing a little velocity but I do not want to download it too much since I already have a 30-06 and it would seem a huge waste to load it down to 06 levels and pay double for the brass when I could have the same results from the 06.
I was just wondering if anyone had suggestions on the best way to dampen the recoil on this rifle. Recoil pad, Heavier aftermarket stock (if they are made for the a7), muzzle brake?
Any suggestions on brand of recoil pad, stock or muzzlebrake?