In all the years I've been casting, one cartridge stands out as the biggest pain of all, the dreaded 9mm Luger, parabellum, whatever. It seems to me to almost be a waste of time to cast for this turkey and get decent terminal performance out of it. This is the only caliber I've ever cast for that still leads even when you have all your ducks in a row. Now, I'm ready to take another stab at it. I know Veral offers 9mm moulds, and I'm most interested in one around 140 grains or so. I would be using it for games like bowling pins and so-called "practical shooting. I could probably get by with one of the commercial moulds, but I don't like what I see there. Besides, my 45 ACP LFN needs a little brother to pick on. Veral, what do you suggest? I need something capable of moving a bowling pin about 2 feet, whether it likes it or not (they don't). My velocity target is 1000 fps, which is certainly doable. The possiblity of more velocity is always nice, but 9mm pressures can get scary pretty quickly. I'm especially looking for minimal case intrusion in deference to the blasted tapered case. I have tried cranking up the velocities of 124 gr bullets in the past, but accuracy goes away pretty quickly. With jacketed bullets around $20.00/box (scandalous!), it's time to show the 9mm who's boss, once and for all. I'm even willing to consider gas checks this time around, which seems a shame because at this bullet weight the 9mm is at best a 38 spl with a high cap magazine.