I looked at it fast like I would were I looking for a truck on the net. I didn't see any...
Then I thought well maybe it is for people wanting to sell their truck and need to find this company. First one had a fairly concealed Ph #. Second one never found a thing, So if my truck needed sold how exactly would I get in contact?
If this is supposed to be a news source for and about the truck sales industry, the second seemed to be a better choice.
In this part of the country we have The Truck Paper in every truck stop. I'm assumeing this is the same thing, but southern style. If that is indeed the case I still don't know who to contact were I selling a truck. I would think that would be front and center info. Secondly i should be pretty much able to read the ads without picking up the physical paper. Trust me there are LOTS of computer literate truck drivers out there, and they would just as soon look on the net as pick up the truck rag. I get tired of throwing away trash outta the truck. And the truck buyer guy would rather not hang out at the truck stop to get a paper.
The above advice is worth about twice what you paid for it