Author Topic: 72 caliber rifle bullet options  (Read 1440 times)

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Offline donnieol

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72 caliber rifle bullet options
« on: September 12, 2011, 05:05:45 PM »
Hi Veral;
I have a Pedersoli 72 caliber black powder double rifle on the way, it has a bore of .720 and a 1/75" rifling twist.
I Plan to use Swiss FFg or FFFg Black Powder to work up a load.
I know a patched round ball will work but I have read about people using a 770 grain bullet with a load that will group with both barrels at 50 yards.
I'll try to post a photo of a bullet cast by Sean Murphy in South Africa beside a 58 Minie' and a 45 conical

I'm very interested to hear your thoughts on ideas for a bullet and mould for this gun as well as wads and patches.
Thanks, David

Offline donnieol

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Re: 72 caliber rifle bullet options
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2011, 05:26:58 PM »
I'll try to post a photo of a bullet cast by Sean Murphy in South Africa beside a 58 Minie' and a 45 conical

Ok try this,

Offline Nobade

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Re: 72 caliber rifle bullet options
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2011, 03:43:47 AM »
Be careful with bullets in double rifles. The recoil from the first barrel will pull the bullet on the second and make air space.

I would also shoot your new rifle first with balls and see how you like it. I shoot one of those rifles quite a bit, and I can tell you that a 535gr. ball at 1500 fps over 5 drams of FFg kills well, is flat shooting, and has plenty of recoil. A bullet twice that weight will not go very fast or shoot flat, will kick tremendously, and won't gain you anything.  Something to think about.
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