I use CLP Break Free and Rem Oil. I like the Rem Oil for the inards and CLP on the exterior. I use Kroil, among other things, in the bore to aid in cleaning, but after drying the bore with patches when done cleaning, I soak a patch with Rem Oil and run it down the bore for storage. I do this with all fire arms. There is really no wrong way of doing it, just use a good quality lubricate/rust preventative. I used to store guns with Hoppes #9 in the bore, but I found it would run out of the bore and gum up the action/trigger eventually. After tearing down two different guns that was all gummed up, I stopped using the Hoppes. While WD-40 is a decent rust preventative and lubricate, I have heard that it will do the same thing - eventually gum up the action.
Good Luck and Good Shooting