Author Topic: Remington 870 Wingmaster 20 ga. cantilever rifled barrel. Accuracy?  (Read 2090 times)

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Offline mannyrock

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Hi Guys,
   I am considering just maybe getting a Remington 870 20 ga, with a fully rifled cantilever barrel, and mounting a good scope.   Can anyone please tell me what accuracy you consistently get with slugs at 100 yards, and the type of slugs you use?
   Not interested in any other type of shotgun thank you.
   Would adding a Hastings slug barrel improve accuracy for an 870?
Thanks for all info.

Offline alleyyooper

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Spend a lot of time on what slug gun to buy and tried many of my friends slug guns. Had set my mind on a Ithica 37 12ga. deer slayer I saw used at a local gun shop. When I finally had the time I went there to see it in person. Some one had afro enginered a scope rail on the reciever and it turned me off it was so buggered. I ended up buying just wat your asking about the Remington 870 rifled barrel and canilevered scope mount. Sales guy recommend the 2 3/4 inch Buckhammer slugs telling me that is what he used in his and the 3 inch didn't do as well. though they didn't contact the riffling well.
Any way I can get a 3 inch group out to 125 yards and have only had 2 shotsat less than a 100 while hunting and they did a fine upstanding job. I heard last fall that Remington was going to stop making the buck hammers so I went to the gun shop and bought enough to last me 30 years at the rate I have been shooting them.
Last I looked Remington still listed the buck hammers on their web site and the gun shop owner said he had not been given notice to the discontiunetion of them.
 ;D   Al
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