Author Topic: Yellowtail3, what philosophy would solve all the worlds problems?  (Read 1936 times)

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Re: Yellowtail3, what philosophy would solve all the worlds problems?
« Reply #30 on: October 04, 2011, 06:43:40 AM »
MCWD...I see.....Actually YT3, brought up Jesus when asked what he would do...he cited Mathew 7:12, many seconded his opinion. What economic or monetary theory did Jesus endorse and did he pander to or bow to elitist of his time?....and still around I might add.
Is Mathew 7:12 an entitlement, a right, or a Law; or what is it....?

Has there ever been a subject discussed that stayed on topic? If there was, I don't recall it.
They usually stray like this one. The question asked to YT3  (What Philosophy would solve the worlds problems). Which by the way was a trolling thing to do. Why just YT3? I think he was expecting a different answer, but the one he got was GREAT!

I think few would disagree.Following the examples of Jesus would make this a much better world.
(Perfect) if they were followed to the letter. Mathew 7:12 was just one of many passages he could have use as an example, but "I thought " a good one.

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Offline coyotejoe

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Re: Yellowtail3, what philosophy would solve all the worlds problems?
« Reply #31 on: October 04, 2011, 07:24:22 AM »
I don't know how to solve all the worlds problems but it would sure reduce our own troubles if we would just stop meddling in the troubles of other nations. Why are we engaged in two wars, ongoing for 10 years now, with no end in sight and absolutely no possibility of ever reaching a favorable conclusion. Whether we pull troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan today or 20 years from now the only difference will be the number of American lives lost, new enemies created and dollars poured down the drain. Both countries will fall into chaos as soon as we leave, war lords will fight for control until eventually some dictator arises to brutally enforce sharia law.
U.S. foreign policy has given the world good cause to hate us and every day it continues we give more people more reasons to seek revenge.
How about we just stop doing what has never worked. How about we bring troops home from all over the world and set them to guarding our own boarders?  How about we stop sending drones to blow up people in foreign lands? How about we recognize that other countries have a right to exist and to manage their own affairs as they see fit?
 I think that might help.
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Re: Yellowtail3, what philosophy would solve all the worlds problems?
« Reply #32 on: October 04, 2011, 07:36:45 AM »

......... Which by the way was a trolling thing to do. ........................


 That is the way I saw the OP myself.
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