That special run of 444's was for Ellat Bros( or somethin like that). I get so DURNED sick an' tired of hearing about gun dealers, gunsmiths an' gun magazine whores dissing the SB2 NEf's when I can bet dollars ta donuts none of them have ever had any experience with them, have no idea of their metallurgy, chamber diameters, amount of backthrust they can handle etc. I've been shooting a 45/70 for 10 years now, using everything from factory to Ruger loads with NO sign of any problems. My main hunting loads have been the High end Marlin one's with 300 gr bullets; the rifle handled the Ruger loads just fine, but I couldn't. The 44 Mag to 444 conversion has been a fairly popular one, from what I've read at the Yahoogroups NEF singleshot site. Some of the guys have rented reamers and did it on their own; others have found gunsmiths willing ta work on these here Cheap rifles. None have reported any problems. Main problem, if you can call it one, is that if you try to go ta bullets over 300 grs(Beartooth offers 400 gr and up), the 1"in 38" twist of the NEF barrel won't stabilize them well, or least that's what I've read. :evil: