Author Topic: ieney mieney miney...  (Read 605 times)

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Offline keith44

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ieney mieney miney...
« on: October 31, 2011, 06:17:06 AM »
So now it's time to decide what I am going to deer hunt with this year.  Several centerfire arms are available, but I am trying to choose a Muzzle Loader (for the modern gun and muzzleloader season) 
The choices I've narrowed it down to are:
1) .54 cal Traditions Hawken (using a roundball load)
2) Pedersoli .54 x .54 Kodiak double rifle (using conical projectiles)
What do you guys think?? (I'm leaning towards the Hawken)
keep em talkin' while I reload
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Offline Rock Home Isle

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Re: ieney mieney miney...
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2011, 07:00:35 AM »
Hey keith44....I like your calibre selection. The .54 has so much to offer in the way of knockdown power and terminal ballistics. Even though the historic round ball is not considered to be the ideal projectile, in .54 calibre, this projectile type is able to maintain a decent %-tage of its velocity and energy quite well out to and just beyond 100 yards with a nice stout hunting load.
Before I make any type of suggestion...what type of terrain do you plan to be hunting with these proposed firearms?
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“Ain't this somethin'? I told my pap and mam I was going to be a mountain man; acted like they was gut-shot. Mother Gue said to me; ‘Make your life go here, son. Here's where the people is. Them mountains is for Indians and wild men.’  "Mother Gue", I says "the Rocky Mountains is the marrow of the world," and by God, I was right. Keep your nose in the wind and your eye along the skyline.”
Del Gue in "Jeremiah Johnson"

Offline bubba.50

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Re: ieney mieney miney...
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2011, 08:05:09 AM »
either would be an excellent choice for modern gun season but in a lot of states includin' here in virginia you're limited to single shots in the muzzleloader seasons. for what it's worth and luck to ya, bubba.
fetch the hammer maggie-they's a bee on the baby's head!

Offline Rock Home Isle

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Re: ieney mieney miney...
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2011, 09:56:03 AM »
either would be an excellent choice for modern gun season but in a lot of states includin' here in virginia you're limited to single shots in the muzzleloader seasons. for what it's worth and luck to ya, bubba.

We're limited to single shot firearms during blackpowder season here in Colorado as well...but the double could be used during the regular rifle season. I'm jealous that keith44 even has the option... ;D
“Lost?? Hmmm... been fearsome confused for a month or two, but I ain't never been lost!”
Henry Frap the "Mountain Men"

“Ain't this somethin'? I told my pap and mam I was going to be a mountain man; acted like they was gut-shot. Mother Gue said to me; ‘Make your life go here, son. Here's where the people is. Them mountains is for Indians and wild men.’  "Mother Gue", I says "the Rocky Mountains is the marrow of the world," and by God, I was right. Keep your nose in the wind and your eye along the skyline.”
Del Gue in "Jeremiah Johnson"

Offline keith44

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Re: ieney mieney miney...
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2011, 01:01:48 PM »
Either are legal in Ky for either the ML season, or the modern gun season.  The terain is hilly and heavily wooded.  I do not use deer stands nor blinds, I stalk everything I hunt, just more enjoyable for me.  (side note:  there is a 140 - 150 class buck on my wall taken with this method of hunting.  3 hours stalking and I had him in range, but no clear shot a few minutes grunting and kicking leaves brought two does past me at a range of 7 feet.  He couldn't stand it and tried to follow the does. ;)  )

Since the terrain is not easily traversed I am thinking the lighter weight of the old Hawken would be my choice.
keep em talkin' while I reload
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Offline Rock Home Isle

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Re: ieney mieney miney...
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2011, 03:55:08 AM »
So here is what I would say....for what its worth.
I'd say use the single shot Traditions Hawken Rifle for your hunt. It is an historically styled rifle and will provide you with a greater challenge to complete your hunt with a one shot kill. The .54 calibre is a great choice and a proven solid performer on both deer and elk.
But if you feel that there is a good chance that shots could be at medium to long range (for a muzzleloader) and that a chance for wounding is a strong possibility....then by all means go with the Kodiak Double Rifle. If the animal is wounded, a quick follow up shot is often needed to end the hunt.
So there's my 2 cents.
-aim small miss small-
“Lost?? Hmmm... been fearsome confused for a month or two, but I ain't never been lost!”
Henry Frap the "Mountain Men"

“Ain't this somethin'? I told my pap and mam I was going to be a mountain man; acted like they was gut-shot. Mother Gue said to me; ‘Make your life go here, son. Here's where the people is. Them mountains is for Indians and wild men.’  "Mother Gue", I says "the Rocky Mountains is the marrow of the world," and by God, I was right. Keep your nose in the wind and your eye along the skyline.”
Del Gue in "Jeremiah Johnson"

Offline StrawHat

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Re: ieney mieney miney...
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2011, 11:58:09 PM »
Go with the patched round ball.  I am constantly amazed that folks think it is a poor choice.  In a rifle of decent caliber and a good rifling twist, it is a great choice. 
I also still hunt (at least that is what we call the style you mention).  Using the PRB has never let one get away.
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Offline keith44

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Re: ieney mieney miney...
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2011, 04:51:30 AM »
Hi Strawhat,
The PRB vs conical in a .54 cal is kinda like askin' if you should use a 10 ga or 12 ga for mouse hunting.   ;D
I have used the Hawken with patched ball for 18 years off and on.  The double rifle with faster twist just seems to inspire confidence of a second shot, rarely needed with the .54.
keep em talkin' while I reload
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Offline keith44

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Re: ieney mieney miney...
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2011, 04:54:49 AM »
Rock Home Isle,
I am hoping to get within feet of the deer again instead of yards.  The last buck I shot was taken at about 7 feet from the muzzle.  Most of my shots on does are under 50 yards, but I am on new hunting ground this year.
keep em talkin' while I reload
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Offline Rock Home Isle

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Re: ieney mieney miney...
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2011, 09:42:46 AM »
Cool. That should be a good hunt.  8)
“Lost?? Hmmm... been fearsome confused for a month or two, but I ain't never been lost!”
Henry Frap the "Mountain Men"

“Ain't this somethin'? I told my pap and mam I was going to be a mountain man; acted like they was gut-shot. Mother Gue said to me; ‘Make your life go here, son. Here's where the people is. Them mountains is for Indians and wild men.’  "Mother Gue", I says "the Rocky Mountains is the marrow of the world," and by God, I was right. Keep your nose in the wind and your eye along the skyline.”
Del Gue in "Jeremiah Johnson"

Offline Stuart C.

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Re: ieney mieney miney...
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2011, 04:19:33 AM »
I'm a lead pumpkin devotee, but i'd have to vote for the double.  8) Can't underestimate the cool factor.

Offline keith44

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Re: ieney mieney miney...
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2011, 06:32:37 AM »
cool? yes, accurate enough? yes, fun? absolutely!!  But it does weigh a bit over 10 pounds.
keep em talkin' while I reload
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Offline Rock Home Isle

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Re: ieney mieney miney...
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2011, 06:34:52 AM »
Keep us posted how the hunt goes for you and don't forget to post the pictures....I's got's to see's those pic's  8)
“Lost?? Hmmm... been fearsome confused for a month or two, but I ain't never been lost!”
Henry Frap the "Mountain Men"

“Ain't this somethin'? I told my pap and mam I was going to be a mountain man; acted like they was gut-shot. Mother Gue said to me; ‘Make your life go here, son. Here's where the people is. Them mountains is for Indians and wild men.’  "Mother Gue", I says "the Rocky Mountains is the marrow of the world," and by God, I was right. Keep your nose in the wind and your eye along the skyline.”
Del Gue in "Jeremiah Johnson"

Offline keith44

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Re: ieney mieney miney...
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2011, 06:38:33 AM »
keep em talkin' while I reload
Life member NRA