Yesterday I had a coon taken from a trap. The evidence suggested it was probably a coyote or a dog. Of course I wanted it to be a Chupakabra. Well today I caught my coon thief "Chupakabra" and he looks like this. Some of this is graphic so stop now if you can't take the gore..
If you look off the right side of the coyotes butt you can see todays victim.. When I set these trails with 1 1/2 DJs I usually set two or more traps several feet apart. My guess is the coon got caught and the coyote stepped in the other trap after killing the coon. Here you can see both coon and coyote.
This is what was left of my coon, If I had to guess looks like it was grabbed in the throat but it's skull was punchered too.
Here is a picture of one of my 1 1/2 DJs doing a fine job holding Mr. Coyote, which wieghed in a 37.11 Lbs. The coon is held by a back foot.
I didn't catch this coyote where the coon was taken yesterday but on the other side of the farm. This dog is a male but he may have friend around on the farm that helped get him hung.