I'm back. Had a great time, just had to baby my ankle so I did a lot of sitting. That was fine as the many other hunters kept the deer moving. Had a real blast though I had a pretty nice buck stolen from me. I went to get help from the Rangers to get him out and he was gone when we went back for him. Along with my tag unfortunately. The guys that stole him were not even suppose to have been hunting in there as it was closed to any but those drawn for the hunt. They were seen loading my buck and high tailing it out of the area. The bucks were realy responding to grunt calls and doe bleats. The one I shot came charging in twice and then walked right up to a scent wick saturated with Tinks 69 Doe in Estrus. Here's a pic of me inspecting a very nice buck rub. Found lots of scrapes too. I think the Rut is coming in way early this year, along with the cold weather.
We also have more Elk than those stocked here recently. They are coming in from Arkansas from those stocked there a few years ago. Heard one bugle and a few were seen. First thing the Rangers told everyone when we checked in was to not in any way bother the Elk.