There is no comparison between the OWS and the Tea Party.
The Tea party wants goverment to live with in its means and to stop over spending and threatening to cut off Police, Fire, Teachers, Social Security and Medicade if they do not get Higher taxes to pay for it. The higher taxes kill the economy providing fewere and fewer tax dollers, requiring higher and higher taxes that..... The Tea party want the government out of the way so they have the oppertunity to become one of the 1% through superior ideas, innovation, and taking risks to provide labor, raw materials, capital, or just the superior idea. At the rallies propper permits were obtained, and the place is generally cleaner when the Tea party leaves than when they arrive.
The OWS people, well they want Government to steal everything from the top 1% and then the fractional part of the mob comes in from Communists, anarchists, dolts, and others that have no clue as to why they are there.
They trash the cities, expect services they did not pay for, do not abide by the law, bully shop owners, and in the march they made around Oakland left a bunch of trash in their wake. It took the warehouse guys an hour to clean up all the signs, and crap that blew into the pipe yard last week.
The Elephant and the Rhino would be correct if the Rhino bullied the plains game into supplying them with water and had the Zebra telling everyone about their movement and that the Elephants are the reason there is no water and they should be killed. There is no rational argument that the OWS people have. Weeks ago some one should have hired protestors (my guess is Sorros has to start this) to spread word that it is over and then have someone come out from wall street in a suit and say they are goi9ng to agree to all of the protestors demands. Ta Da! the stupid go home thinking they won.