I bought a new Savage 220 myself, I have tested 3 inch and 2 /4 inch rounds, and found the 3 inch gives me better groups. What works best in my 220 is the 3 inch Remington Accutips with 1 to 1 1/4 inch groups at 100yards followed by the 3 inch Federal Barnes Expanders with 1 1/2 inch groups at 100 yards. I tried the 2 3/4 inch Accutips and my groups opened to 2 1/2 inches at 100 yards, still a deer killer but not as accurate as the 3 inch. Also tried the 2 3/4 inch Remington 260 gr. Premium copper slugs, and my groups were about 4 inch's at 100 yards. I did not try the Hornady or Winchester slugs at all. I kind of stuck with what Savage recommends in the Savage 220. Some people claimed the Lightfields shoot well in theirs, but I have not seen anyone shoot them. Now all I have to do is see how the Remington Accutips perform on game, as well as the Federal Barnes Expanders. Once I see how they perform I will decide which slug I will stick with, and buy a case of them.