Author Topic: varmint / tactical rifle  (Read 640 times)

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Offline deadkelly

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varmint / tactical rifle
« on: November 19, 2011, 09:20:36 AM »
hi guy's i had my heart set on a 243 howa HB for use as my long range everything rifle . mainly for shooting from vehicle at most of the pests we encounter in australia . now it is only after reading last night on some sniping forums & 1000 yd forums that the barrel wear seems to be a isue & as well a twist rates .  :roll:  now the old 6.5x55 devil & 260 rem are awash inside my brain again . now i know the 260 vs 6.5x55 fight has been going for years & as far as i'm concerned i'll go for the 6.5x55 . mainly because i know in australia theres a chance that most little country gun shops have one dusty box of highland , rem or pmc sitting behind the counter . also there made on a std action length which allows for the projectiles to be seated out farther . & most 6.5's have a twist of 1:9 or faster for the long 140 gr projectiles .
now pluses for the 260 are a short action which the bench rest guy's like & maybe the abilitly to rechamber or rebarrel to 6.5x47L , & factory ammo is loaded to a higher preasure . but being a hand loader thats not a problem , btw i'm sure theres heaps more loaded ammo for the swede .
so i'm not sure what to do now , i don't really know of any HB varmint style rifles out there apart from a tikka t3 varmint in 6.5x55 & don't know about the 260 rem .
well i must say i have used a m38 6.5x55 as my hunting rifle for the last 16 years & have over 1200 cases , dies , all sorts of projectiles so that goes in favour of the swede . finally i think the 260 rem or 6.5 would allow for more pratice at the long range range . .
anyway i'm all ears for any input you guys have , especialy to do with rifles with heavy barrels .

Offline hillbill

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Re: varmint / tactical rifle
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2011, 01:51:50 PM »
think yu have solved your own already have brass and stuff for the 6.5x55. id go with it.if you reload the diff between it and the 260 id say is minimal, wouldnt you?if you want a heavy barrell you could just buy a swede action and rebarrel as you choose.add a aftermarket stock and you got the gun you want with a little work.i know your set on the heavy barrel but a lot of the stepped military barrels shoot as good as any heavy varmint barrel ive ever seen.