For a few dollars more you could have a Shilen barrel installed in your caliber of choice and do what I did below.
1. Mossy Oak Camo .30-06 ADL Package Rifle from Walmart $430.00
2. Sold camo stock, ADL metal, and Bushnell scope on eBay for $150.00
3. Bought new take-off CDL stock and bottom metal for $200.00
4. Dropped barreled action into the CDL stock.
5. Bought new Nikon Prostaff off eBay for $140.00
6. Mounted scope on existing Weaver bases using a set of vintage low Elpaso Weaver rings that I had nothing in.
7. Installed a Montana sling $30.00
Went to the range with a clean bore and a box of Remingrton 180 grain Core-Lokts
Fired 2 fouling shots
Put the next 3 in the same hole
There are ways to do this cheaper. New ADLs can be had for a lot less, but the black stock doesn't bring as much when resold. This may work with other brands but there are a lot more new take-off parts floating around for Remingtons than others. If you like plastic, Bell & Carlson makes a nice stock.
If it makes you feel good, put a dab of JB WELD behind your recoil lug. I do that on heavy kickers to save the stock.