Author Topic: 38 special hammerless revolver for woman  (Read 1964 times)

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38 special hammerless revolver for woman
« on: December 28, 2011, 03:47:15 AM »
Hi guys :)   A friend of mine was asking about a ccw for herself.  I suggested the ladysmith.  I know they are snappy but she wants something lite to carry with her always.  I also suggested the air light version. 

I told her that that they were snappy and she could practice with light cast loads, regular 38 special loads, shoot +ps once in a while to get used to them and carry the +ps for defense.  I suggested she go to a gun store and hold several as feel was high on the important list.

Any other suggestions that I could pass along to her.  She thinks the idea of the simplicity of a revolver is good.  She will buy a S&W.


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Re: 38 special hammerless revolver for woman
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2011, 05:14:02 AM »
I don't see much need for those+ loads. I presume that this revolver is a 5 shot type.
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Offline anachronism

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Re: 38 special hammerless revolver for woman
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2011, 10:34:29 AM »
Buffalo Bore offers a standard velocity wadcutter load for 38 spl with a hard cast bullet. Typical wadcutter target loads are pretty whimpy in comparison, but they're a long ways from +P levels. They were intended as self-defense loads for little revolvers.

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Re: 38 special hammerless revolver for woman
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2012, 10:43:35 AM »
I see no real advantage on +p loads in a snubbie .38. Especially is she shoots standard loads better.
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Offline Keith L

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Re: 38 special hammerless revolver for woman
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2012, 11:29:05 AM »
A buddy has a lightweight 38 snubbie and it hurts to shoot +p.  I was bleeding after the first few cylinders full.  I choose not to shoot it, and a new shooter may choose not to shoot again after that.  Standard 38s are enough.
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Re: 38 special hammerless revolver for woman
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2012, 11:56:11 PM »
The only answer that I have is the responce of my daugther, a new shooter.
I had bought her a new S&W .327 on the belief that she would like it better than another.
She shot the .327 and said it was bouncy--same with the Snubby .38. It was not the annoncement of recoil or loudness--which supprised me--it was too bouncy.
I was shooting the M28 and she asked if she could shoot it. i said yes but it was going to be a little heavy--she is 5'4".
She shot it, liked it because it didn't bounce as bad---she has since shot and liked the semi's I have and likes them also.
So much for trying to figger out what the hell a woman is going to do.
PS--I bought her an M28 just so she wouldn't take mine.

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Re: 38 special hammerless revolver for woman
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2012, 06:14:54 AM »
There's still a place in the world for the stainless J frame class revolver. A friend bought one of the first Scanium 357 mag J frames to hit the market. It went out shooting exactly twice. The first time was with whimpy loads to get a feel for it. The second time was with normal self-defense factory loads. The first round was okay, but the guns felt like a half stick of dynamite going off with any substantial loads. It actually hurt to shoot it. It got cleaned up, and is now a safe queen that never sees the light of day. He decided an Airweight was plenty light enough for him. He's been scheming for years to get me to part with my 357 649. No deal.

Offline Keith L

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Re: 38 special hammerless revolver for woman
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2012, 06:24:58 AM »
It is a different class, but my favorite revolver is my K frame 66 4 inch.
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Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: 38 special hammerless revolver for woman
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2012, 07:02:16 AM »
While the light weight and hte small grips make it easier to carry it makes it harder to shoot.
A stainless 640 with an over sized rubber grip would be my choice for a lady.
Yes it shoots 357 mag, but you don't have to.  38 specials will work.
The heavier gun reduces recoil, the larger grip spreads out recoil.  Makes it easier to get hold of and easier to point/ aim.
and yet it is still small enough to carry.
The more confortable the gun is to shoot the more often she will shoot it and become good with it.  The more she shoots the better the mussle memory when needed. 
The revolver is simple with a limited manual of arms.  If it does not fire, pull the trigger again.  If an auto does not go bang you have to do a few things quickly.  Your idea of a revolver is right on as a first gun.  If she likes shooting and wants to get involved with IDPA or steel challange then a new gun cna be purchased.
5 rounds should be enough to make hits and run away.
Yes, it is not a girly product, but you can paint the gun Pink.
For  while I had a pair of S&W M65's with the 3" barrels, one was a lady smith and the only difference between the two was the pinkish case, the rose wood grips, and the words lady smith on the barrel, I stripped all that off and added pachmyer grips to both as house guns.  One upatairs and one down.  The Lady Smith cost $50 more and hte small wood grip intesified recoil.