I'm not an attorney, I just use to deal with them a lot.
Unlike other LEO's, before I retired, I made it a point to be friendly with them. After all their just doing their job, just as your doing yours. A couple of the attorneys actually became decent friends. They all basically told me: "When you have facts, argue facts, when you don't, dazzle them with your bullspit". In law school the exact same thing is taught, every first year law student understands it, but it's phrased: "If the facts are on your side, argue the facts, if you don't have facts on your side, argue the law."
That said it means, if the facts are on your side, use them to your advantage, if the facts are against you, obfuscate, twist the truth as much as possible, repeat erroneous statements as often as you can get away with it, and hope the jury will believe it's the truth, or look for every tiny loophole you can. Sandusky's attorney will have to see what evidence is presented, before he can formulate a defense strategy.
There is some truth to what magooch said. Some attorneys will milk you for whatever money they can, before they resolve the case.
The strategy is based on how long the money lasts.